Friday, July 27, 2007

Thinly Veiled Self-Promotion

I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner.

All of this talk about personal art on the blog, especially feminist art, and I forgot about my own. For the last six months I have run a store on CafePress, a website where you can upload your own designs onto their products, people buy them, Cafe Press makes and ships them, and you get commission (at a price you set). It's a great way for artists with little start-up capital to get their stuff out there. Now, I'm no artist, I'm just a computer nerd that has spent too much time downloading free fonts and messing with Photoshop.

Our friend Nidhi, who turned me onto the site and trained me in its operation, has been making some serious cash with her awesome designs.


nidhi said...

dude. check this out:

i was featured!

Daren said...

I like the pin. Hey, don't have your email but wanted to let you know we had to run to D-ville becuase my mom was in the hospital. Probably will be back tomorrow.